Sunday, April 24, 2011

the game that i played was elder scrolls oblivion. its a quest base game that takes you threw a magical world where you have to bring the different regions of the world together to defeat the dark force that has come to take over the land. 
This game i found to be extremely addicting and i think the thing that was most appealing was the amount of options you are givin. you don't have to get started right away. if you really want to you can just run around the world of oblivion. i think that was the big appeal for me was amount of freedom your aloud to have in the game. i never played a game that gave me so many options, but even with all these options you can still easily get back to the task at hand to start completing the game. this game took me a whole summer to complete before I came to college and with added expansion and growth in the game. its still one of my favorites when player xbox.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Asterios polyp

Asterios polyp

the story and how its layout is pretty interestingly. it seems to be be more focussed around the shapes and the illustration the try and communicate threw the story. when first looking threw the story it seem to be images supported by quotes. and you have to use the images to understand whats going on. Juxtaposition.

the story was a little hard because it seem to keep jumping seems it takes place in the main characters mind. the transitions are pretty cool, where they sometimes use a symbol to help transition you to the next scene. I also enjoyed how the story seem to revolve around the main character and we look into his subconscious and see how he sees himself. he seems to show himself as this robot geometric shaped figure, that i feel fit very well with his personality and as a male. the story seems to use this tools to really give each character there own personality.  like when they are at the party towards the beginning of the story.  its also interesting to see how his life transitions from his old life to his new life and how he just seems to roll with it.  in the end this for me was a very fun a clever book. 

Friday, April 1, 2011

Oryx and Crake

Oryx and Crake a very interesting story about two individual that take very different paths threw life, but would later come together based on a women that they both saw on the internet when they were young.  Crake is a young man that works his way threw life as a bioengineer and wants to develop a new peaceful world. his friends Jimmy ends up writing ad's. the story is a bit of a love triangle of guilt and betrayal and in the end Jimmy kills Crake after Crake kills Oryx for betraying him. 

the story seems very interesting as for how its told and how it develops. its a bit of a modern version of adam an eve. after the death of Crake and Oryx. also the ideas of the apocalypse after Crakes virus takes out the population. its makes you think about how stories are told and how they are passed down for generation.